Lighting Effects In Web Design - Using a light source the right way can add dimension and beauty to a
website design. Strong light sources create a stark contrast between light areas and shadows in a
design, making the elements look more realistic and dimensional and less flat. Some websites opt instead for a dim light source to create a soft glow around particular areas of the website, to attract the eye more subtly.
Lighting effects often within web design sets the mood for the viewer. For example, a dark
minimalistic design varies in aspects from a site that displays bright swirls of colors and beautiful effects. These sort of lighting elements create a glowing energy that allows your site to stand out on the screen and create a warm environment. Within the following sites you’ll find a wide range of examples from subtle minimal effects to bold designs that make a statement.
Lighting effects can be fun to experiment with in Photoshop, and a number of websites use this approach for creating a dramatic look. Several months ago I posted a collection of 25 websites with lighting effects, and today we’ll follow up with another 25 sites.
Light effects, if used correctly can give a website that nice warm glow to make it stand out and look more beautiful. I have put together a top quality list of what I think are the best website designs currently out there that use outstanding light effects.