Which are the most popular firefox addons and extensions? Here is an attempt to collect the 50 popular and best firefox extensions which make your browsing, downloading and navigation in Firefox as easy as possible, while harnessing the full power and features of Firefox.
Months after the initial
Twitter (Twitter) boom, it’s still strong and kicking. A day rarely goes by that we don’t notice some new
Twitter tool in the wild. The ideal place for Twitter-related tools is the web browser, which is apparent from the quick-rising number of Firefox (Firefox)
plugins. We’ve found eight; you let us know if there are more!
Twitter is an amazing service that we all love, everyday we notice a new twitter tool or service that makes using it more easy and fun. Today we wanted to highlight more than 25 of our favorite Twitter add-ons, tools and services that won’t resist. This list is not intended to be all-inclusive, let us know your favorite twitter tool and why you like it.
Mozilla Firefox has always been considered a “user-friendly” browser, but with all the customizable extensions, it has become probably the most “developer-friendly” browser as well. We have collected the best FFX dev scripts available, and installing them takes just a few clicks. And don’t forget; make sure you have downloaded and installed Firefox 3.0 as well!
Firefox is a very popular browser especially among web designers. There are more than 70% of WDB’s readers are using Firefox. There are few reasons which make Firefox so popular compare to others and obviously its plugins had contributed a lot for that.